Welcome to From the Core Blog

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Welcome to From the Core Blog

My writing is inspired by the color purple.
At the age of 11, my mother took me shopping at a boutique, which was the first time that I had shopped in such an intimate and quaint setting. Though it was usually my mother or my older sister that helped me with clothing selections, this time, my mother left it all up to me. I chose a beautiful, velvet, purple outfit. I wore this skirt-set as if my life depended on it. It was my favorite. It sticks in my mind like no other clothing I ever wore. I was mesmerized by the trip to the boutique. I felt like I was “a big girl now,” because I selected my outfit on my own. Because I loved this outfit so much, I wrote a story about it. The title of the story was “My Beautiful Purple Outfit.” Time has passed, and I no longer have the story at hand or the outfit, but I recall the last sentence that I wrote – “My beautiful purple outfit is beautiful, just as my mother is beautiful.” Consequently, I gained an appreciation for writing and creative writing, which led to my writing positive quotes, poems, personalized poems, and general writings. My writings come together in ways that bring joy, healing, relief, confirmation, and satisfaction. I attribute my invitation from highly esteemed organizations such as The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) and Golden Key Society to my writing skills. I love writing. I appreciate every emotion that I feel from writing. And I gain great reward from the emotions expressed by others, for the writings that I create for them. To bring tears to people’s eyes, smiles to people’s faces, and love in people’s hearts, for my gift of writing that they experience, is a dream come true. It brings me joy. It is my honor to touch your hearts, minds, and souls with my writing. When you have me write for you, you will embark on a treasure from my heart, mind, and soul.
I look forward to writing From the Core Blogs for you.
By: From the Core Blog
Vernell Wilson

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